2019 SACNAS Conference
When I was contacted by Sinai Cota, the Sloan Program Assistant at UCSD, she asked if I wanted to attended the SACNAS conference (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science). I was excited by the opportunity, however, I was worried that I had been mistakenly invited. I emailed Sinai to say, “I just want to make sure that you are aware that I am not Latino, despite my uncanny resemblance to Pitbull.” She laughed and responded that of course I am welcome. I was not sure how I would contribute to the conference; I just wanted to help.
I traveled to Honolulu, Hawai’i with the UCSD Sloan Scholars for the 2019 SACNAS The National Diversity in STEM Conference. It was my first time visiting Hawai’i. Coming from San Diego, I was not sure if I would be overwhelmed by the scenery. I quickly found that the beauty of Oahu cannot be compared to San Diego. It was an amazing experience to take in all of the culture of the island.
While attending the conference, I was at the UCSD booth answering questions from undergraduate students who were preparing to apply to graduate programs. Most students knew little about the University Center of Exemplary Mentoring’s Sloan Scholar Fellowship at UCSD, so I avidly spread the word about the fellowship opportunities at the university. Also, I discussed my personal experience with the Physics Department, and assisted students in making helpful connections for graduate programs. This was my first time attending a SACNAS event, and I hope to attend more in the future! I learned so much about the backgrounds of the attendees. All of their stories were inspiring, and a reminder that regardless of where we come from, we all can achieve so much. I particularly enjoyed Sinai’s story, and I highly recommend reading about her journey here!
Receiving our leis at the start of the conference
Representing the Sloan Scholars at SACNAS 2019